Parent-Guardian Resources


At St. Joseph’s Elementary we believe effective communication between home and school is a hallmark of an effective school. Our school website contains the  most current and easily accessible information about the accomplishments of our students and upcoming events. Throughout the year information regarding school closures and other important reminders may be communicated through our auto-mated telephone system and school Facebook page. 

Information regarding your child’s academic performance will be communicated through phone calls, report cards and correspondence with the home. At times you may need help on school matters — please feel free to contact or visit the school .

2023-2024 Daily Schedule and Bell Times

The following schedule will apply to all K-6 students

8:24 - 8:34 Home Room

8:34 - 9:31 Period 1

9:31 - 10:28 Period 2

10:28 -10:43 Recess

10:43 - 11:40 Period 3

11:40 - 12:30 Lunch

12:36 - 12:41 Home Room

12:41 - 1:38 Period 4

1:38 - 2:33 Period 5

2:33– 2:35 Agenda Planning & Organizing

2:35 Dismissal

Parents/guardians are asked to please note the following expectations:

The school doors do not open and teachers do not begin their supervision duty until 8:20 a.m. and 12:30 p.m. Therefore, children are not to be dropped off until that time. Children who are dropped off prior to 8:20 and 12:30 may be required to wait in the porch area.

All students should arrive at school by 8:24 a.m. and 12:36 p.m. in order to be present for home room period and school announcements.


School Fees

Over the past number of years, the provincial government has committed substantial funding to increase instructional grants for schools and to cover the cost of prescribed workbooks and other consumable materials previously charged to parents.

At St. Joseph’s Elementary, this investment in our children will eliminate all textbook fees and consumable fees traditionally charged to all students as well as "course materials" (e.g., work-books, photocopied resources in lieu of textbooks and materials for technology, and arts programs).

What is covered:

· All K-12 textbooks

· Lockers

· Photocopying and photocopied resources

· Handbooks

· Accident insurance

· Internet/e-mail access

· Exam and computer paper

· Authorized workbooks

· Printed materials provided in lieu of a textbook

· Magazine/newspaper subscriptions

· Scrapbooks

· Supplies for classroom based work in art, technology, language arts, science, home econom-ics, textiles, industrial arts, etc.

· Other specific items required by all students to participate fully in classroom instruction, e.g., recorder for elementary music curriculum, K-12 novels.

What is not covered: (School Supply Lists will cover these Items - sent home at end of each year)

· Basic school supplies, e.g., pens and pencils, glue, geometry sets, duo tangs, report covers, calculators

· Materials for enrichment programs and local courses

· Travel associated with extra-curricular activities, e.g., field trips

· School sponsored activities, e.g., pizza days or book fairs

· Sport uniforms, school rings or school photos

· Rental of musical instruments

· Replacement costs for textbooks, locks, damaged school property

The Seahawk Staff

The staff of St. Joseph’s Elementary, in partnership with students, parents and community members, are committed to creating a school culture which motivates students to take re-responsibility for their learning, think critically, solve problems, and to make decisions which will ensure they are lifelong learners and productive citizens. If you have any questions about your child’s academic progress or behaviour, your first line of contact is your child’s teacher.

Safe Schools Policy

St. Joseph’s Elementary Discipline Protocol (Adopted 2009)

In addition to teaching the curriculum, St. Joseph’s Elementary has the responsibility to help stu-dents learn social skills, develop self-discipline, and appreciate their role in the development of a positive school climate. This is implicit in our Province’s goals of public education that aim for ―the fullest and best development of the student as a private individual and as a member of society‖. In dealing with discipline problems of a routine nature, the following protocol from our Safe Schools Policy will be implemented:

Incident #1 A. The teacher will address the incident with the student.

B. If necessary, the student will be removed from class and sent to the ad-ministrator’s office.

C. The teacher will meet with the student at the earliest opportunity to dis-cuss the incident.

D. The incident is documented.

Incident #2 A. The teacher will address the incident with the student

B. If necessary, the student will be removed from class and sent to the ad-ministrator’s office.

C. The teacher will meet with the student at the earliest opportunity to dis-cuss the incident.

D. The teacher will phone the student’s parent(s)/guardian(s) to inform them of the incident.

E. The incident is documented.

Incident #3 A. The student is sent to the Administrator’s office

B. The administration will phone home, explain the incident protocol and will also discuss the behavioural incidents to date. A meeting with the parent(s)/guardian(s) and the student may be requested.

C. The administration will determine the appropriate consequence(s).

D. The incident is documented.

Further Incidents A. The incident is documented.

B. The student will be referred to the administrator/guidance counselor.

C. The administration will arrange a meeting with parent(s)/guardian(s), staff members and the student to discuss behaviour and consequences. 

Guiding Principles

This protocol will be used to deal with routine discipline problems. The seriousness of the incident may warrant immediate response and consequence from the administration (i.e. suspension).

In dealing with discipline issues, all staff shall remain true to the spirit of the NLSchools Safe and Caring Schools Policy. Specifically, it is the belief that effective discipline uses logical, realistic consequences and ―fair is not always equal. Discipline shows the students:

What they have done wrong 

How they have ownership of the problem

How to solve the problems they created

Effective discipline leaves the students dignity intact.

A positive approach to discipline takes into consideration the exceptionalities in each student and provides an opportunity for each student to take an active role in his or her academic planning. Be-haviors are developmental in nature, and therefore should be dealt with according to the develop-ment of the child. Behavior is learned and can therefore be taught.

When issuing consequences (i.e. suspensions, detentions, expulsions, etc), for inappropriate behav-ior, the policies and procedures guiding these actions as outlined in the NLSchools District Safe and Caring Schools Policy will be followed. All decisions are subject to the appeals process outlined in the NLSchools Safe and Caring Schools Policy.  

Classroom Expectations

Students will:

1. Be in their seats and ready to begin work when the bell rings.

2. Come to class prepared (have necessary materials).

3. Be courteous and respectful to all others.

4. Have no food, drinks (except water) or candy in the classroom during instructional time.

5. Work only on assignments for the current class unless the teacher permits another activity.

6. Not leave the room without the teacher’s permission.

7. Not use the office phone during class time. The phone in the main office may be used for emergencies.

8. Store lunch bags, jackets, gym sneakers, etc. in assigned lockers. These are not to be brought into the classroom.

9. Keep their work area clean and tidy, and not vandalize any school property. Book bags are to be hung on the back of chairs or placed in lockers. In the interest of both safety and tidiness, they must not be left in the aisles.

10. Remain in their seat until the bell rings.


Lunchtime Expectations

1. All students eating lunch at school must eat in their classrooms.

2. Students are to remain seated unless they need to:

- throw garbage away (students are expected to pick up their own garbage)

- recycle 

3. Only two students are permitted to leave the room at the same time.

4. Students are to behave appropriately, using conversation voices to chat during lunch.

5. Toys, etc, are not permitted in the classroom during lunch

Corridor Expectations

1. K-6 students are to remain in the assigned areas of the corridors. K-3 students are not permitted on the Grade 4-6 wing and vice versa.

2. Students are to remove their headgear, outer footwear and outer jackets upon arrival at their lockers.

3. No yelling or use of inappropriate language in the hallways.

4. Walk, don’t run in hallways.

5. Follow teacher directions promptly.

6. Proceed to classrooms once the bell rings. No loitering at the water fountain.

7. Be considerate of others with your words and actions.

8. Enter the building through primary and elementary exits if outside for recess.

9. Students are not permitted to loiter in the lunchroom during recess.



St. Joseph’s Elementary believes that individuals have a right to work and learn in a safe, secure environment that respects privacy and that schools have a duty to maintain the integrity of the learning environment. As the inappropriate use of personal electronics can interfere with individual rights and the learning environment, the use of such devices will be regulated at St. Joseph’s Elementary.

The use of personal two-way communication devices, such as cell phones, is prohibited during scheduled instructional and non-instructional time, unless authorized by the individual teacher for educational purposes. If a student needs to contact home in the case of an emergency, the phone in the main office can be used.

It is recommended that these devices be left at home. If they must be brought to school, they shall be secured, turned off, and left in the student’s locker or another secure location (as deter-mined by the administration).

The use of devices with recording and playback capability  is prohibited during school operational hours. Such de-vices infringe on the privacy of students and staff, and have the potential to subject persons to significant distress. School events will be recorded by school staff and/or designated students.

Any violation of the above guidelines will result in confiscation of the electronic device, a discipline incident report and, if serious enough, may result in a detention or a suspension.

1st Offence: Reminder to put away device

2nd Offence: Confiscation of device by teacher. Returned to student at the end of the school day. 

3rd Offence: Confiscation of device by teacher, sent to office. Device returned to parent/guardian by administration.

Rules and Expectations

Headwear Policy


Wearing of hats, headwear, and hoods is not permitted during instructional time or non-instructional time. This policy also applies to assemblies, concerts, presentations, etc. Any hats or headwear can be kept in student lockers during the school day. 


Like all fashion, there are appropriate and inappropriate places to wear certain types of clothing. Generally, it has been considered appropriate to remove headwear and hoods in formal settings. Instructional areas are considered formal settings.

Footwear Policy


All K-6 students must have a pair of sneakers solely for gym use and regular classroom use to be worn throughout the entire school year. Outdoor footwear is to be removed at the floor mats at both primary and elementary entrances and put back on when students leave the building at lunchtime and after school.


The wearing of outdoor footwear all day in the regular classroom settings (especially in the winter months) can not only be unhealthy for the student, but has an undesirable effect on our school’s cleanliness and safety.

School Boundaries


During the regular school day, K-6 students are not permitted beyond school grounds. At no time are students to enter the roads above the school except on dismissal and with parents permission (i.e. walkers).

Grade K-6 students will be supervised on the outside of the building during warm fall and Spring days (or special school events) by teaching and support staff.

Primary students and elementary students will remain with their peers in their respective parts of the outside of the school (primary and elementary entrances).


As we are a K-6 school with students ranging in ages from 4-12, it is important that the K-3 and Grade 4-6 sections have separate designated areas supervised by teachers.


Regular school attendance is a major contributing factor to student success. Absenteeism for illness and emergencies is unavoidable. Making appointments during school hours that could be made at other times should be avoided. Student attendance will be monitored and recorded on a daily basis. Parents/guardians will be contacted on a regarding regular. un-excused absences.

Regulations Regarding Attendance

In dealing with unexplained and unnecessary absences the following rules will apply:

1. Every student is to provide an explanation for each session he or she is absent or for each class missed. The following are acceptable reasons for students being absent from school:

a. illness of the student

b. serious illness in the family requiring the students help at home

c. the death of a close relative

d. the approval of the parent/guardian where this approval does not constitute neglect or refusal to permit the student to attend

e. participation in an activity of educational benefit with the written approval of the principal

f. inclement weather

g. other cause which, in the opinion of the school administration, is unavoidable.

No other reason for absenteeism will be accepted. A student who is absent for a reason other than those mentioned above will be marked absent (without excuse). The reason for being absent must be stated in a note or a telephone call from the parent or guardian to the homeroom teacher.

2. If a student misses 5 days which are unexplained or are for unsatisfactory reasons the Department of Education will be notified of the same.


A student who comes to school late, after attendance in home room has been taken, must go to the general office. The student will be given a late slip, to be signed by the teacher of each class attended and given to the home room teacher during the next home room class. Persistent lateness will be dealt with in accordance with the safe schools policy of St. Joseph’s Elementary.

St. Joseph’s Elementary Student Council

Each year our school will have a student council that represents the entire student body K-6. Nominations for class representatives and executive positions will begin in early Fall of each year.

Student Council Positions include:

Class representatives for grades 3, 4, 5, and 6

Executive positions will include secretary, vice-president and president and will be made up of grade 5 and 6 students only based on nomination and election process.